Coordinated by the Global Team

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The majority of work for R-Ladies is done by the excellent chapter organisers around the world. For this, R-Ladies as a global organisation helps with technical infrastructure and a network the organisers can rely on for help and guidance if they need it.

In addition, the Global team coordinates activities that span all chapters. These activities ensure the chapter and R-Ladies around the world can access the international network and aid that exists for the community. In addition, many of the activities facilitate visibility of R-Ladies actions and minority genders in tech and R in particular.

Community Slack

The Community Slack is intended for people that identify as a woman or gender minority and are interested in the R programming language. It is a friendly and welcoming community, where you can share information, learn new things and connect with other R-Ladies. The Community Slack is intended to be a harassment-free experience for everyone and the Code of Conduct is enforced to make sure everyone can enjoy the space.

Abstract Review

R-Ladies Global has a system for review and feedback of conference abstracts and funding opportunities for both R-related and domain-specific conferences. To encourage R-Ladies to submit proposals and improve chances of having work or applications selected, 80 international reviewers provide constructive feedback on areas including topics and pitch, phrasing, and subject matter.

Rotating Twitter Curator (rocur)

The R-Ladies RoCur (Rotating Curation) is a twitter handle that will feature an awesome R-Lady each week. This account is run by R-Ladies Global.


  1. To encourage and maintain Twitter engagement within the R-Ladies community.
  2. To spotlight female and minority genders (including but not limited to cis/trans women, trans men, non-binary, genderqueer, agender) and their great work in R.

How It Works

Every week, a different R-Lady takes over our twitter account to talk about the work they do in R. Featured curators come from a diversity of professions and have a range of experiences in R, from novice to expert.

Check out @WeAreRLadies every Monday for a new curator!

International Womens Day Campaigns

R-Ladies Global has coordinated International Women Day actions to encourage more people from gender minorities to participate in the community on Twitter and to promote people in the community. The coordinators of these campaigns have written blog posts about them, which you can find links to below.

YouTube Channel

The R-Ladies Global YouTube channel features videos of R-Ladies meetups from around the world! Make sure to check out the playlist with content in Spanish, Portuguese and Turkish. And once you are there, also have a look at the channels we subscribe to, which are channels of R-Ladies chapters that run their own YouTube channels.

R-Ladies guide

We have an online guide for R-Ladies volunteers, and those who’d like to become cool like them. 😉 More seriously, the guide is aimed at featuring all of R-Ladies organization guidance (how do I start an R-Ladies chapter?) and wisdom (what are our best tips for running events).